Hi, I'm Garrett

A Software Engineer Check out my Resume!

So, tell me about yourself...

Well, I love Computers.
I decided to start my professional career at the end of high school, with one of my first college classes being "Introduction to Programming". I wanted to be a "Programmer", I wanted to be “The Guy in the Chair”, one who could hack traffic lights, and download all the money during a heist.

After realizing that that was all illegal, I decided to pull back, and think realistically about my options. A buddy of mine chimed in saying “Web Dev, You’ll love it!” I looked into it, and the rest is history.

Well, what kind of work do you do?

I design, and build websites and applications.
I've been working with the MERN JavaScript stack but always happy, and eager to learn something new!

  • HTML5, CSS3, EJS
  • JavaScript, React
  • Node.js, Express, MongoDB
  • Bootstrap 5, TailwindCSS
  • Agile Methodology, Scrum
  • C#, Python, C, .NET

Putting my skills together, I enjoy creating things from the ground up, and helping people get their ideas from pen, to paper, to reality.

Okay, but let's see what you've made, shall we?

My Projects always serve some purpose, from an artist needing a professional website, to my restaurant absolutely needing a brand new POSI system to handle orders, reservations, and seating. My projects help users everywhere.

Collector's Cove GitHub Live View

A place for board game collectors to share their game collections! Make a user name, log in, and like some pics!

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NASA Rocket To Destinations Unknown GitHub Live View

An application using the NASA API to let yourself fly through space, and have your imagination run wild, only limited by the days of the week.

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Cat Breed Homewrecker Simulator GitHub Live View

There are so many cat breeds in this world, have you ever wondered which breed does best with children? Which one would win a fight against a dog? Well, that app is finally here!

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StickyPad GitHub Live View

This is a full stack application with authentication for taking, making, shaking, and baking notes into their best form: Sticky. Yum!

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Alright, I'm convinced, I'll contact you.

Good! You're making the right choice.
I would be a great addition to your team, and I'd love to learn more about what our next project together will be!